The Purpose of Tithing

Tithing is an ancient practice of setting aside a tenth of one’s income for the Lord. This practice was first mentioned in the Old Testament and has since become an essential element in church worship and financial management.

Purpose of Tithing

Tithing is a biblical stewardship principle that urges us to give God our first fruits (Genesis 6:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). It requires us to set aside part of our income for church work and charitable works for those less fortunate in society.

Tithing is essential for several reasons. Most importantly, it builds a relationship of trust with God that will last throughout life.

Christians should tithe, as the Bible promises that if we faithfully give back 10% of our money and goods to the Lord, He will abundantly reward us with many things.

Jesus emphasizes the importance of tithing as the first step to faith and obedience. He calls it a commandment, encouraging those who do it cheerfully–especially to the poor–to tithe cheerfully.

Tithing to your local church can be beneficial, as it helps fund missions and programs that benefit communities. Churches provide food and supplies to those in need, run initiatives that build bridges between cultures, and maintain facilities for meetings. It’s a wise idea to contribute financially to these organizations.

However, it’s essential to remember that tithes are only part of what makes a church successful. Success depends on both its members’ generosity and that of its community’s.

The Bible does not specifically state that tithing is an Old Testament requirement, but it does suggest it was a common practice among the ancient Israelites. In fact, Moses instituted this law at Mount Sinai and it has persisted ever since in American history.

This law was founded on the idea that everyone should tithe from their first fruits, and all gifts from God should be used for His glory. It also guaranteed fair treatment to all citizens and prevented classes from forming within society.

It also prevented unequal taxes, which can foster vested interests and a political system of envy.

Tithing was also a reminder to the people of Israel that they should honor God with all their possessions, and He would protect them from evil and injustice. Those who practiced tithing in the Old Testament often received rewards for their devotion to God and to spreading the gospel.

Tithers enjoyed a higher quality of life than those who did not tithe.

Tithing is a common practice among many religions, yet it appears not to be specifically mentioned in the New Testament. Nonetheless, tithing is an integral part of Christian life and should be carried out with deep faith and obedience.

It is essential to remember that tithing was once part of the Old Testament sacrificial system, but no longer exists in the New Testament. Under our new covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 7:4-10), we no longer must adhere to sacrifice as did Levites and priests in the past.

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